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Activate your 2020 vision | Vision Board Workshop
Saturday, January 11, 2020, 03:00pm - 06:00pm
Hits : 1650
A New Year = A New Vision!
A new year, for most of us, means reflecting on the past and setting goals for the future - usually in the form of "New Year's Resolutions" - and usually, we've broken those resolutions within a week or two. Astrologically, this new year is just waiting for us to move into the lives we were meant to live, and to work toward our dreams. Wouldn't it be FANTASTIC to have a tool to keep you on track and CRUSHING your 2020 goals? Let's get together for a few hours and create your vision for this new year!
A vision board becomes a daily reminder of your goals and life plans. It helps you clarify and maintain focus on what you want your life to look like. It keeps the things you want to do, how you want to feel, and what you want to bring into your life fresh in you heart and mind. It keeps your eyes on the prize, so to speak.
Join us at Downtown Yoga & Healing Arts for a 3-hour Vision Board workshop on 1/11/2020 from 3-6 pm. Here is what we will cover:

     • An overview to clarify what a vision board is, how to dig down and focus on very specific goals and intentions, and what to do once your get your amazing piece of art work home
     • A brief meditation to get us centered and focused on our goals
     • Plenty of time to create your vision for 2020
The cost of this workshop is $33 per person. Large pieces of white posterboard will be provided, along with plenty of art supplies and magazines to cut pictures, words, or phrases you'd like to use. If you have specific images or phrases in mind already, please print and bring them with you. This website may also be useful if you'd like to dig a little bit deeper into the purpose of a vision board beforehand:
Light refreshments will be provided. Come dressed comfortably for meditation and relaxation.

Saturday January 11, 2020 3:00 – 6:00pm | $33.00
Everyone Welcome
