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Chamber Connection
Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 09:00am - 10:30am
Hits : 793

May Facebook event UPDATED 1

 Unveiling the Future: Exploring the Impact of AI

Prashant Mittal, Roux Institute of Technology

May 15th | 9:00-10:30AM

$15 for Members | $20 for Non-Members

Light snacks and beverages provided

Kennebec Valley Chamber
105 Second Street, Hallowell


Please join the Kennebec Valley Chamber and Prashant Mittal from the Roux Institute of Technology as he shares with us how learning about AI can feel intimidating, but it's not something that we can ignore. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers businesses a way to work smarter, offering ways to personalize services and make data-driven decisions. However, adopting AI isn't without its challenges, including data security, ethical considerations, and the potential impact on jobs. In this landscape, the Roux Institute at Northeastern University plays a crucial role, focusing on practical AI applications and education to equip businesses and future leaders with the knowledge to navigate AI's complexities responsibly. 

Prashant Mittal is the Director of Professional Programs at the Roux Institute and is Professor of the Practice in Analytics and AI. He is extremely knowledgeable when it comes it Artificial Intelligence and is very passionate about local business. 

Sponsored by: Kennebec Savings Bank

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