Maine's Capital Area

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Children’s Discovery ~ Hands-On Science
Friday, September 22, 2017, 11:00am
Hits : 10477
Contact 207-622-2209
Amarinda for science experimentation!
09/01/17 ~ Music Together (10:30 a.m.)
09/08/17 ~ Rain Clouds
09/15/17 ~ Apple Sauce Playdough
09/22/17 ~ Leaf Rubbings
09/29/17 ~ Date Night! (5:30 - 8:00 )  $15/ child #$12/sibling. Parent's night off! Drop the kids at the museum for dinner, free-play, and a facilitated craft. Children must be 3 - 9 years old and potty trained. Call to reserve your child's spot.
Sponsored by Macpage, LLC!
Location Children's Discovery Museum Augusta, Me 171 Capitol St, Ste 2, Augusta, ME