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Chamber Connect: Tips for the New Normal: Cyber Security in the COVID-19 Era
Wednesday, July 29, 2020, 10:00am - 11:00am
Hits : 1218
Contact Kennebec Valley Chamber,

Tips for the New Normal: Cyber Security in the COVID-19 Era with Marc French, CISO and Managing Director of the Product Security Group

About the Webinar
With the world a bit different, cyber adversaries have adapted their tactics to reflect the new normal. In the discussion, we will cover these new tactics and what organizations can do to protect their organizations and their newly remote workforces. There will be time for Q & A so come with your questions!
About the Speaker
Marc French is the CISO and Managing Director of the Product Security Group. A product guy turned security leader, Marc has more than 25 years in software engineering, product management, and security. Prior to founding PSG, Marc has held a variety of CISO/senior security roles at EMC/RSA, Iron Mountain, Constant Contact, Mimecast and Dun & Bradstreet.

Chamber Connect is the Kennebec Valley Chamber's new bi-weekly virtual program with guest speakers offered to our members and the community. Chamber Connect will be held via Zoom every other Wednesday from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.

FREE for KV Chamber Members | $5 per person for public

Register here!

IMPORTANT: A Zoom conference line will be emailed to member attendees after registering for the event. Attendees from the public must make the full payment prior to the event in order to receive the link to attend the digital event.

Thank you to our Chamber Connect Sponsor!

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