Maine's Capital Area

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2017 Kenney Awards
Friday, January 27, 2017, 05:00pm - 10:00pm
Hits : 3713

The Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce is proud to present The Kenney Awards!

This event is the premier opportunity for the Kennebec Valley Chamber of Commerce to highlight and celebrate the success in our community. The Kenney’s recognizes six awardees; Peter G. Thompson Lifetime Achievement, Large Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, President’s Choice, Community Service and the Cynergy Young Professional.

You are guaranteed to feel like a star from the moment you arrive and step onto our very own red carpet—from the ‘paparazzi’ snapping pictures of your grand entrance into the awards ceremony to the custom designed Kenney award—this is the formal affair of the season.

Location Augusta Civic Center
Dinner is included
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