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KV Chamber Women's Network Luncheon
Wednesday, January 11, 2017, 11:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 3983
Contact 207-623-4559,


Martha Currier.2

Martha Currier is the Complaint Examiner for the Consumer Information and Mediation Service in the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General and the administrator of Maine’s Lemon Law Arbitration Program. In this capacity she supervises the full-time staff and oversees the work of approximately 25 volunteer mediators. She is the host and producer of the Attorney General’s television show Consumer Matters on Time Warner’s public access station. Her current position builds upon a career of helping Mainers resolve their problems.

She was the Legislative Liaison for the Office of the Attorney General under AG William Schneider; has been a Legislative Aide in the Maine State Senate; has administered the campaign finance laws for lobbyists, PACs and state parties in Maine; been self-employed as a non-attorney representative for social security disability claimants; and worked as a communications assistant at non-profit in Washington, DC.

Martha attended the bulk of her schooling at American University in Washington, DC and received her degree in Political Science from the University of Southern Maine. She is a two-time Paul Harris Fellow through Rotary International and past-president of the Rotary Club of Augusta, Maine.

Martha resides in Augusta with her three young and energetic boys.


Martha will discuss the role of the Attorney General’s Office, the topics 12,000 consumers contact the Consumer Information & Mediation Service annually about, common scams and what you can do to protect yourself from being a victim, and the role of their two dozen volunteer mediators in resolving disputes between consumer and businesses.

Thank you to Meghan Loubier, Skowhegan Savings Bank, for donating this month's gift basket! Be sure to submit your completed survey at the luncheon for an opportunity to win the gift! Join us learn more! RSVP now .

The Chamber's Women's Network meets monthly to strengthen business relationships, hear topical topical speakers and develop leadership. Women's Network, It's all about business and building relationships! This event is usually held on the second Wednesday monthly, excluding July and August. Early Networking begins at 11:30 a.m., buffet lunch at noon, speaker 12:30 and adjourn 1:00 p.m.

Thank you to our Sponsor

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Location Senator Inn & Spa, 284 Western Avenue, Augusta, ME
Save the Date! January 11, 2017, Martha Currier
Registrations are now closed