Maine's Capital Area

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December 2021 Women's Luncheon

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Women's Network Luncheon
Wednesday, December 08, 2021, 11:30am - 01:00pm
Hits : 3806
Contact 207-623-4559,

The KV Chamber hosts Lilac Caterings Kim Phinney to incorporate local small businesses into planning safe and fun holiday gatherings. Please join us in our final Women's Network Luncheon for the 2021 year.

The luncheon will take place in person at this Augusta Civic Center.

 the Augusta Civic Center has a masking policy in place for all occupants. The policy says that a mask must be worn unless you are eating or drinking. 

IMPORTANT: Women's Network Luncheons are $20/person to attend for members and $30/person for non-members.

Thank You to our 2021 Women's Network Luncheon Sponsor!

kennebec savings bank

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